Katie Savage's Fundraiser

2018 Fundraiser for "This Run's For Jack" 5k
15th Annual ... Fighting Melanoma Every Step of the Way!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Melanoma has taken more from me than I could have ever imagined possible. It has taken both my Mom and my Grandfather. It stole Grammie from her 9 grandchildren and has left a void where a amazing, party hogging, crazy curly haired, flower lady once stood. My own melanoma took 5 inches of skin from my neck, a very small price to pay. Melanoma will never be far from our minds but I am forever grateful my melanoma was caught early due to knowing the signs and regular skin checks. No one is too young or too dark skinned, melanoma touches people of every age and skin color. Of the seven most common cancers in the U.S. melanoma is the only one whose incidence is increasing (ACS). With your help we will educate, raise awareness, fund research, provide healing and SAVE LIVES!
EVENT DATE: Oct 14, 2018
15th Annual "This Run's For Jack" 5k
More than just a 5k! This Run's For Jack is a run/walk event filled with hope and healing.
Our Vision: We envision a world where every adult and child is aware of the risks of melanoma and takes preventative measures; where those who suffer from melanoma receive comfort and healing; and ultimately, where every case of melanoma will be completely curable.
To Register for the Event and Learn More about the Foundation: This Run's For Jack