Fighting Melanoma Every Step of the Way!
"We envision a world where every adult and child is aware of the risks of melanoma and takes preventative measures; where those who suffer from melanoma receive comfort and healing; and ultimately, where every case of melanoma will be completely curable."
Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund
TESTIMONIAL: "This Run's For Jack" October 2010 - "I was able to participate in your 5k in October. It was extremely emotional for me as I drove in the parking lot to see the mass of people participating in your event. The cause is so personal and I just wept in my car for a while before I pulled myself together and was a part of something that I will remember forever. You all are amazing and such an inspiration! Thank you for your efforts, and I applaud your success for a cause which needs to find answers." READ MORE
Donations Support Research, Awareness, Education and Healing.
Photo: Jack H. Marston II Rooftop Healing Garden was presented as a "thank you" from LGH to Jack's Fund for monies donated toward melanoma research in 2006. It is viewed outside the chemo bay windows at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and provides much peace to patients undergoing therapy.