Elise Kei-Rahn's Fundraiser

Help Elise run the Berlin Marathon in memory of her father, Jeffrey Rahn
Donate to Jack's Fund to support melanoma research and programs that aid in prevention and early detection of the disease.
As a runner from Massachusetts, I grew up hearing the familiar Boston Marathon saying, “Right on Hereford, left on Boylston.” I was eighteen years old when the Boston bombing occurred. I first heard the news in my father’s car while he drove me back to my college dorm after a long weekend at home. We sat together in silence as new updates poured out of our radio speakers
Jeff and I made a bet that day — I would run 26.2 miles in Boston by the time I was twenty six.
About a year later, my father lost his battle to deep tissue melanoma. He initially received a diagnosis in 2006 and underwent extensive facial reconstructive surgery. After multiple years in remission, he faced a painful and sudden downward spiral in his final months during 2014.
My dad had an infectious spirit and absence often causes me to feel like I’m caught in a perpetual chokehold. He could name the producer of any given song, detail the backstory to most paintings in any American wing of a museum, and dug a really good glass of wine (something I’m still learning to do). I’m determined to live my life with the same levity, laughter, and determination he imparted to me.
Running has always allowed me to find stability within chaos. This past November, I ran my first marathon and qualified for Boston. And I’m not done!
This September, I’m running the Berlin Marathon with the intent of chasing down a more agressive time goal. I’ll be running in memory of my father to support the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund. Jack’s Fund supports melanoma research and funds programs that aid in prevention and early detection of the disease.
Please consider making a donation of any size in honor of Jeff! Any support is appreciated and will help me meet my goal!
xx Elise
From Jack's Fund: