Gardner Gendron's Fundraiser

Fighting melanoma every step of the way
Join me and help make a difference! Please support my marathon fundraiser.
Dear Friends and Family:
Fighting to find a cure and raise awareness.
I am running my first marathon in Chicago representing the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund. The charity is a fantastic force for good in both the Chicago area and the United States. My goal is to raise $1,750 for the charity, raise awareness for melanoma, and smile crossing the finish line. I am grateful for any and all support.
See you in Chicago!
- Gardner
About The Charity:
The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund was founded in Glen Elyn, IL in 2004. Sine its inception, the charity has raised more than a quarter of a million dollars to fight and prevent melanoma. The fund spends around 85% of the money donated on financing research and raising cancer awareness. Their campaign to raise awareness through early detection has saved many lives as well.
Melanoma Facts:
- Melanoma is the leading cause of skin cancer related deaths.
- Melanoma is the second most common cancer for young adults ages 15-29.
- The risk of developing melanoma is increasing. In 1935, the disease struck just 1 in 1,500 people, but today melanoma affects 1 person in 50.
- The risk of being diagnosed with melanoma doubles with five or more sunburns at any age, and exposure to tanning beds in youth increases that risk by 75%!
$30 = The rates of melanoma have been rising for the last 30 years.
$54 = One person dies every 54 minutes from melanoma.
$100.35 = 100,350 New cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in the US in 2020 (ACS).
$250 = Free skin screening (average fee charged by dermatologist's offices for a skin screening).
$800 = Melanoma costs over $800 million to treat annually.
Check out my fundraising page and please consider making a donation to help me reach my goal of [Your Fundraiser's Goal Will Automatically Go Here].
Giving online is easy and fast, and your support will make a real difference. I appreciate your help!
#SPF262, #JMT2022