John Corish's Fundraiser

Johnny's Jog For A Cure
Join me and help make a difference! Please support my marathon for Melanoma.
Dear Friends and Family:
Did you know one person dies every hour from melanoma?
When I was young, I grew up going to the Dermatologist thinking it was something everyone did. Just like going to the Dentist, or the Doctor. I didn't know that Melanoma and other skin cancers ran in my family until I was in High School. I still remember the eerie feeling of the Dermatologist saying we needed to remove one of my moles to check for cancer. Not the most settling news to get. Luckily for me, the result came back negative, but I can't say the same for my immediate family members. We've been fortunate enough to catch cases of Melanoma and other skin cancers during the early stages and make full recoveries. However, not everyone has access to preventative measures and medical support.
That’s why I decided to join teams, in my hometown, with the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund for my first ever Marathon. While I don't love running, I do love a good challenge and raising money to save lives. Their campaign to fund research and provide awareness programs (early detection saves lives) makes a real difference --- and you can be a part of it.
If you or someone you know has had spots removed, precancerous cells, or have melanoma, you already know. If you have been fortunate so far, let me explain why Jack’s Fund needs your donation.
- Melanoma is a very serious form of skin cancer. Although accounting for only 4% of total skin cancer cases, it is the leading cause of skin cancer related deaths.
- Melanoma is the second most common cancer for young adults ages 15-29.
- The risk of being diagnosed with melanoma doubles with five or more sunburns at any age, and exposure to tanning beds in youth increases that risk by 75%!
- The risk of developing melanoma is increasing, and most frighteningly, the cases of melanoma amongst young children are on the rise.
Since the risk of melanoma affects or has affected each and every one of us, the work that Jack’s Fund is doing to increase research funding and to develop awareness programs is so important!
$30 = The rates of melanoma have been rising for the last 30 years.
$54 = One person dies every 54 minutes from melanoma.
$100.35 = 100,350 New cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in the US in 2020 (ACS).
$250 = Free skin screening (average fee charged by dermatologist's offices for a skin screening).
$800 = Melanoma costs over $800 million to treat annually.
I'd really appreciate your support in helping me to help my reach my goal of $2000.
Giving online is easy and fast, and your support will make a real difference. I appreciate your help!
Join me at the finish line October 9th, 2022, Godspeed.
#SPF262, #JMT2022