Garrett Cazier's Fundraiser

Help Garrett run in memory of his father, Jeff Cazier
and fighting melanoma every step of the way.
In 2014 my father, Jeff Cazier, lost his battle to melanoma. I was a young father with two daughters ages 3 and 1 and felt as though my dad had so much of his life still left to live. His initial diagnosis was several years earlier and after painful treatments he lived in remission until his rapid deterioration which lasted only 3-months. This was a "black hole" time of my life.
I grew up watching my dad run a few races every year. My mother would load me up in the family car with my brother and sister. We would leapfrog and cheer him all the way to the finish line. I started running 1-2 years before my father’s final battle. During his illness, running became therapeutic for me and quickly turned into my passion. Running helped heal me. I feel a deep connection to my father through a sport we both love. When I lace up, I do it for him. When I run, I feel alive.
I've decided to make my experience more meaningful by supporting the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund because they share my same values of tenacity, compassion, and competitive spirit with a determination to beat melanoma. Their campaign to fund research and provide awareness programs (early detection saves lives) makes a real difference --- and you can be a part in it.
Check out my fundraising page and please consider making a donation to help me reach my goal of $2,500.
Giving online is easy and fast, and your support will make a real difference. I appreciate your help!
Garrett Cazier
- In memory of Jeff Cazier
#SPF262, #JMT
Vision Statement:
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal of running the Berlin Marathon with Jack’s Team.